Sixtysix Issue 08 is Out Now


May 20, 2022

Great news! Sixtysix Issue 08 is available worldwide now. Crack it open and catch a glimpse into the studios and recent work by designers around the world. Inspired by a truly breathtaking trip to the Galápagos Islands, Sixtysix observes the natural world in art and in life, from the Swiss rocks around which Laetitia Jacquetton blows her pristine glass vases to the playful, giant, stone-like totems assembled by Alex Proba.

In an industrial zone near Valencia, we visited Felipe Pantone’s studio. His team of 11 works furiously on projects from painting to kinetic sculpture while we talk about all the new and unexpected ways he is seeking to apply his retro-futurist visual language.

Up north in Oslo, we caught Kjetil Thorsen, co-founder of Snøhetta, among the swarms of employees at the architecture firm’s primary headquarters. With a new office opening in Paris, Kjetil is as involved as possible to preserve the hands-on feel of a new, smaller team for as long as possible.

And in New York City, jewelry designer Alex Moss gave us flashbacks to Uncut Gems with his sparkling projects. We caught a look at some impressive necklaces, belt buckles, and more while discussing the demanding deadlines and hidden details behind every custom piece.

Digging into the natural theme, Sisan Lee told us about the ways literal details in nature and in human culture inform the metaphors found in his sculptures and furniture. Inka and Niclas introduced us to the combinations of Earth and family that form the subject of their surreal photography, and Sigurd Larsen talked about his work designing tree house hotels and other buildings and designs anchored in the natural world.

When it comes to transforming natural elements, we could not miss out on the opportunity to speak with Lee Bae, whose work with charcoal has redefined the material itself as much as it has defined his own career. But now, he may be ready to experiment even further, venturing into the realm of color. “I want to unleash some of the colors of my interior, of my soul. I think about what it looks like when you ignite charcoal—it glows, there are flames, and there’s every color—except black,” he told Sixtysix.

We found Natural Harmony with Fenix, luxuriated in Routine Remedy with Anderson Tuftex, and rediscovered Yesterday’s Future with Durasein. Plus, the impact of Radical Honesty and bold form revealed itself in impeccable contemporary design with Amadi Carpets and Maiden Home, and Chicago-based fashion designer Sheila Rashid brought us back to Earth with great clothes.

And, taking it way back to the beginning, we explored the Galápagos, encountering 100-year-old tortoises and incredible geological formations along the way. Don’t worry—the trip, with all its beautiful blue waters and endemic penguins, is well-documented within the pages of Sixtysix Issue 08.

This is just a taste. We hope you’re as excited to roam our pages as we were to make them. To tide you over until your issue arrives in the mail, enjoy this first look.






A magazine cover