Durasein Revives Yesterday’s Future

Studio Sixtysix and Durasein look back to catch a glimpse of the future.

Studio Sixtysix yesterday's future

Remember when you could see stars? “I love Coal. It reminds me of the night sky,” says Carolyn Ames, Durasein’s CMF (color, material, finish) consultant. A mysterious surface, Coal’s air of intrigue makes just as much sense on the ceiling as it does anywhere else.



April 19, 2022


We meet at the crossroads of nostalgia and the future.


Optimistic, excited, carefree. A level of playfulness has always been important to Durasein, with solid surface choices that run the gamut from bold color to sparkle and shine.

Using Durasein’s bespoke patterns and Brilliant solids, beloved objects of yesteryear and retro colors combine to remind us anything is possible. Studio Sixtysix travels back to the future to find that the possibilities really are endless.


Galaxy offers the softer side of intrigue, reminding us of our place in the universe. Millennials, especially, feel drawn to all things retro, wanting to “cut through the noise” of constant bombardment from technology, Carolyn says. “Think about the 1990s. It was anti-corporation. It wasn’t about a blog or a brand. It wasn’t prescriptive. I think there’s a resurgence in that interest … And this realness, this sense of play—I think that appeals across generations.”


Concept Produced by Studio Sixtysix
Styling by Kristina Walton Zapata
Photos by Chris Force
Retouching by Happy Finish
Words by Laura Rote
Studio Sixtysix is the in-house creative agency to Sixtysix magazine. Studio Sixtysix stories are conceived, produced, and edited by Studio Sixtysix.


A version of this article originally appeared in Sixtysix Issue 08 with the headline “Yesterday’s Future.” Subscribe today.