radical honesty

On natural wood floors and against patched walls, the rugs anchor the space, and the furniture brings a sense of confidence and vitality to the room. Photo by Daniel Peter; prop styling by Shawn King. Maiden Home's The Perry Chair; Amadi Carpet's Nomad in Gobi, Light Blue.

Maiden Home and Amadi Carpets Design for Radical Honesty


February 24, 2022


Radical honesty begins with a tuft of natural fiber. A tree, decades old. It is picked, spun, and woven; felled, cut, and shaped. And still it is a piece of fiber, a tree. With Amadi Carpets and Maiden Home, there are no concealed truths, no cleverly disguised lies. Wool is wool; wood is wood.


“We are working with a craft that’s going back thousands of years,” says Murtaza Ahmadi, one of Amadi Carpets’ owners. Woven in Afghanistan, where they offer a safe workplace for women, the rugs are manifestations of age-old traditions and cultures. “The pieces speak for themselves … but what really makes it unique is that it is a human product. It touches so many hands before it comes here to the US.”

Across the world in North Carolina, heritage furniture artisans whose knowledge has been passed down through generations work closely with Maiden Home’s designers to create pieces that likewise speak to their roots. “In the spirit of slow craft, we intentionally design our assortment to showcase the artisans that give our pieces life,” Steph Goldberg, vice president of marketing at Maiden Home, says.

Studio Sixtysix brings Maiden Home and Amadi Carpets to a raw living space in a former Chicago charcoal factory to show how radical honesty, ​​bold use of shape, form, materials, and transparency command space and deepen its spirit.


Maiden Home’s Muir Sofa; Amadi Carpet’s Congo in Harvest, Silver/Indigo (Displayed on floor) and Kuba in Mazari, Light (Rolled in background). Each collection’s design reflects back on the rugs’ core: natural fibers, woven in one of the world’s oldest crafts, depicting natural scenes and generations-old traditions. “The Harvest collection mimics the imagery of the tropical rainforest, the starry skies, and the lush vegetation. If you stare long enough, you can see the forest and the movement of the rivers and canopy of trees within the rugs,” Murtaza says. Photo by Daniel Peter; prop styling by Shawn King.

Concept Produced by Studio Sixtysix
Styling by Shawn King
Photos by Daniel Peter
Retouching by Zach Vitale
Words by Lark Breen
Studio Sixtysix is the in-house creative agency to Sixtysix magazine. Studio Sixtysix stories are conceived, produced, and edited by Studio Sixtysix.


A version of this article originally appeared in Sixtysix Issue 08 with the headline “Radical Honesty.” Subscribe today.