Parisian Lights Through a Philadelphian’s Lens with John Pomp

"Pomp in Paris." Photo courtesy Triode Gallery


January 30, 2024

Last month in Paris, within the cobblestoned streets of Saint-Germain-des-Prés neighborhood, Triode gallery hosted an exhibition as part of Paris Deco Off 2024.

The event featured John Pomp, a designer from Philadelphia whose approach to craftsmanship redefines the boundaries between functional design and art. His exhibition “Pomp in Paris” was a display of his work and a demonstration of the skill that goes into each piece. In John’s work nearly every component, down to the screws and hardware, is meticulously crafted by hand in his studio, emphasizing his commitment to true craftsmanship.

“I think the Paris design scene is growing more relevant every year and felt like an important place to be part of the design dialogue,” said John as he and his wife walked the busy exhibition. The showcased collections, including Radiant, Moon Orchid, and Infinity, along with newer pieces like the Drift Table Lamp, Warp Stool, and Matter Chandelier, illustrated John’s fascination with the cosmos. His ability to interpret the dynamics of space through the medium of glass and metal was evident in each design. The Matter Collection showcased how celestial themes could be represented through a balance of fluid glass and solid metal.

John’s journey into design and craftsmanship started in his childhood, influenced by his father, a carpenter. This early exposure to hands-on creation laid the groundwork for his future in design. Glassblowing, which he initially encountered at the Columbus College of Art and Design, quickly evolved from a mere interest to a lifelong passion and a defining feature of his work. His approach to design is a unique blend of this learned skill and an innate flair for innovation and experimentation.

The Philadelphia studio where John and his team create these pieces include more than 50 artisans who bring together their skills to create designs that are as much about the process as they are about the final product.

A magazine cover