The Dan Brunn Bridge House Plays with Light and Reflections

bridge house atlas concorde studio sixtysix modern kitchen

Architect Dan Brunn used Marvel Gems Terrazzo White Polished by Atlas Concorde in this open kitchen design. “Since this is a high-traffic and high-use home, we don’t need to worry about your typical wine spill or foot traffic marring the surface.”


May 3, 2021

LA Architect Dan Brunn is known for modern, minimalist work that brings the outside in.

Inspired by the Bauhaus architecture of his native Tel Aviv, he reinterprets Modernist principles in minimalist designs like this one—a high-traffic home that also serves as a bit of refuge for the homeowners in LA.

Play with light and volumes is indicative of Dan’s work, and that’s true with Bridge House, as natural light pours in through large windows that offer expansive views of surrounding greenery.

For this project Dan chose Atlas Concorde’s terrazzo-like porcelain tile—polished through most of the house and matte in the baths—for its impermeability.

He says a trip to CERSAIE, the international exhibition of ceramic tile and bathroom furnishings, in Bologna inspired him to use the material.

“Our goal was to create a cozy gathering room, versus a ‘kitchen,’” Dan says. “The notion was to create a warm feeling, with the cabinets being more like furniture than utilitarian storage units. Though the space is highly functional, it evokes a spirit of collectiveness.”

The house is filled with modern furniture and contemporary design and art, and porcelain tile floors from Atlas Concorde, inspired by Venetian terrazzo, marry contemporary style with timeless charm. Similar collections can be found at Atlas Concorde USA.

Buy It: Available at Atlas Concorde

A version of this article originally appeared in Sixtysix Issue 06 with the headline “Bridge House.” Subscribe today.


Produced by Studio Sixtysix
Photos courtesy of Atlas Concorde USA
Words by Laura Rote
Studio Sixtysix is the in-house creative agency to Sixtysix magazine. Studio Sixtysix stories are conceived, produced, and edited by Studio Sixtysix.
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